Street map

The bars and restaurants around El Cotillo are constantly changing, but the ones on the map are ones that we have enjoyed.

Listed in no particular order:

1- Aguarye Bar/Cafe.

2 - Los Pescadores - restuarant with superb views down the coast.

3 - La Marisma - popular fish restuarant

4 - La Vaca Azul - popular fish restaurant with roof terrace by the old harbour

5 - El Veril - slightly more upmarket restuarant

6 - El Toston - bar serving British style food. View over old harbour from terrace

7 - Talk of the Town - Bar serving a variety of styles of food.

8 - The Last Resort - bar also serving British style food.

10 - German Bakery - fresh bread, cakes and coffee.

There are a number of mini-markets which are marked with an *.

To the north of the village are the numerous lagoon beaches. There is a very nice beach bar called Bar Tonino which does very good fish as well.

To the south of the village is the larger surf beach. Head down the unmade road and park at the top of the cliffs. Access to this beach is not suitable for pushchairs or those who find steep paths difficult.